Class Accommodations in Kirkland, WA: La Quinta Inn

     La Quinta Inn
     10530 Northup Way, Kirkland WA 98033
     (near Bellevue Way and SR-520)
     (425) 828-6585
     Click for map

For the UNIX Fundamentals class, which costs $1,550 for those who pay by the EarlyBird deadline and $1,650 for others, students can book this hotel at the "ABS" rate, which comes to $356 for four nights, including breakfast/brunch (tax extra).


Driving From I-5:

Just North of downtown Seattle take SR-520 East towards Bellevue/Kirkland. Just past Bellevue Way, take the Lake Washington Blvd. NE (Kirkland) Exit, and turn right at the light onto Northup Way (at the Newport Bay restaurant). The La Quinta will be 100 yards further on your left.

Driving From I-405:

Take SR-520 (Exit #14) West toward Seattle, and get off at the first exit, 108th Ave. NE. Make a right turn at the bottom of the exit ramp, and then at the light (Northup Way) turn left. The La Quinta will appear on your right about two blocks further down, where you'll enter the first driveway past the Burgermaster restaurant.

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