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UNIX Fundamentals

4 day course, for "Power User" wannabees
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" UNIX Fundamentals " ��� 4 days
Next Public Offering: 3/18-3/21 � � Location:

Course Description

This lecture/lab course teaches computer users to make productive use of the UNIX� operating system (OS). The most important and empowering concepts, such as pattern matching, command editing, shell scripting, and pipelines are emphasized, alongside coverage of basic OS utilities and services.

Because UNIX can be somewhat confusing for new users, many typical mistakes are illustrated, and students are shown how to avoid them ("forewarned is forearmed"). Fully 40% of class time is spent in supervised laboratory activities, with students using a Korn (POSIX) shell interface to UNIX.

Although this is intended as a first course in UNIX, it does cover elementary shell programming, and is therefore especially well suited for those with a logical mindset who wish to become "power users", Programmers, or System-, Database-, Network-, or Web-Administrators.

Most of the course material is applicable to all UNIX systems (Solaris, HP/UX, etc.) as well as all UNIX-like (SuSE/RedHat/Ubuntu Linux, FreeBSD, etc.) systems. We also offer a Linux version of this course and a combined UNIX/Linux version, which gives students experience with both operating systems.


A conceptual understanding of elementary computer terms, such as memory, disk storage, and time-sharing is required. Typing skills are beneficial, as is familiarity with other operating systems, such as DOS.

Author & Instructors

Dr. Tim Maher has been an avid user of UNIX since 1976, and, since the early 80s, he has taught literally thousands of others to make the most of it. He has authored 16 UNIX courses, including ones taught by AT&T.

CONSULTIX instructors are renowned for their ability to communicate complex concepts in simple terms and to make the study of dry technical material enjoyable.


Intro to UNIX
History of UNIX Logging In, Logging Out The Password System
Using the On-line Manual Accessing the Printer
The UNIX Filesystem
File Types Pathnames Permissions User and Group IDs
File Utilities
ls find chmod cp mv cat
more head tail rm rmdir mkdir
The VI editor
Creating Files Modifying Files
The UNIX Shells
Shell Comparisons Quoting Techniques Shell Scripts
Startup Files Variables Aliases
History Substitutions Command Editing Filename Wildcards
I/O Redirection Pipelines Background Execution
Job Control
Regular Expressions
grep Command sed Command Intro. to AWK
UNIX Networking
TCP/IP ping Command E-Mail
Firewalls Remote Access Commands (rsh, rcp, ssh, etc.) Proxies
The Process Hierarchy
The ps Command Process Priorities Process Control

Other Courses

We have courses on many other Perl, UNIX, and Linux topics!

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