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Training Services
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About Consultix
�-�Company Info

Experience Counts!

The members of our training staff have from 9 to 27 years of professional experience in course development and delivery.

Dr. Tim Maher

The Founder, CEO, and lead trainer of Consultix is Dr. Tim Maher.

Tim has over 27 years of experience with the Unix operating system and its associated utilities and languages, as both a system administrator and programmer.

Before founding Consultix in 1986, he developed and taught original courses as a professor of Computer Science at a major American university (Univ. of Utah), he developed software as a Sr. Systems Analyst for the university that did more than any other to develop UNIX into what it is today (U. C. Berkeley), and he developed and taught UNIX classes for the company that invented it (AT&T).

Additional information about Dr. Maher's background is available here.

Other Instructors

Since 1986, many highly qualified software professionals with a talent for teaching have delivered training for Consultix, including former Aussie CS professor and Object-Oriented Perl author and expert Dr. Damian Conway, Linux for Dummies author and Linux Journal founder and publisher Phil Hughes, and CGI and Database expert Colin Meyer.

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